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Rua Álvaro Gomes, 89, 4º Esq


Webmagazine and record label on underground house music & contemporary jazz. We're about music released by independent artists and labels.

goya gumbani: warlord of the weejuns


Daily Magazine on Underground House Music, Broken Beat, Contemporary Jazz & Soulful Vibes

goya gumbani: warlord of the weejuns

Francisco Espregueira

Goya Gumbani's Warlord of the Weejuns, released on Ghostly International, feels like a new level on the infinite intersection between hip hop and soul/r&b. The Brooklyn-born, South East London-based artist leans towards a Soulquarians vibe and covers it with his very own fabric. He steps into the role of both narrator and conductor, weaving together the vibrant energies of London's new jazz scene with the narrative depth of New York City hip-hop. This isn't just about crafting beats; it's about building a shared musical language, a "gumbo" of diverse voices, featuring collaborations with Fatima, lojii, and others. The album's title, a nod to Miles Davis's discography, hints at Gumbani's ambition to redefine his sound, drawing inspiration from Davis's artistic ingenuity and timeless sensibility.

The album's creation, spanning studios across multiple cities, reflects Gumbani's deep dive into his jazz influences, a period of introspection that shaped his artistic direction. He sought to embody Davis's "no bounds" philosophy, letting the music lead him down unexpected paths. Threads of affirmation and self-worth run through the album, from the powerful "Beautiful BLK," a celebration of Black lineage, to the raw emotion of "Firefly." Even the challenging recording sessions, like the frigid 4 a.m. creation of "Crossroads" in a broken-windowed London studio, became part of the narrative, transforming hardship into artistic brilliance.

Warlord of the Weejuns culminates in a powerful statement, showcasing Gumbani's ability to blend diverse influences into a cohesive and a very compelling whole. The album's collaborative spirit, particularly in tracks like "Chase Tha Sunrise," feels like a celebration of community and shared history. The gospel-tinged outro, "FOREVER POOH," closes the album with a poignant freestyle, cementing Gumbani's approach to the record, honed through years of self-releases, sees him shaping the music as much as he narrates it, creating a truly unique listening experience. Available on vinyl - mandatory vibes.

The things that I would pour into myself, my views, my mornings waking up, breaking up with girls, meeting new people, it’s all these things. When I listen back to it, I can hear where I was, and I can hear where I’m going.
— Goya Gumbani