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Rua Álvaro Gomes, 89, 4º Esq


Webmagazine and record label on underground house music & contemporary jazz. We're about music released by independent artists and labels.

horatio luna: to the tooth


Daily Magazine on Underground House Music, Broken Beat, Contemporary Jazz & Soulful Vibes

horatio luna: to the tooth

Francisco Espregueira

Henry Hicks, aka Horatio Luna is one of the most influential musicians hailing from Melbourne's vibrant music scene. Adding up to an already brilliant discography, he delivers a fresh dose of jazz-funk with To The Tooth, a seven-track EP released via Wooo! Music. This new record is another statement from Luna effortlessly blending jazz funk fusion and deep house in his very own style (you can’t get wrong on who’s behind these bass licks). As a key player in Melbourne's musical scene rise to global recognition, from his early days as a founding member of 30/70 to his collaborations with afro-house group Teymori, Luna’s prolific output, spans unconventional dance music with Lush Life, traditional jazz with John Henderson (just released), and spiritual improvisations with Foshe. Boundless creativity.

To The Tooth arrives on the heels of his 2020 solo album Boom Boom on Jitwam's The Jazz Diaries, and recent killer EP’s such as Less Thinking More Dancing (collaborating with Bentley, 2021) and Support Your Local Jazzy House Producer (2022). Horatio Luna's ability to seamlessly transition between projects and styles speaks to his dedication and versatility. This release, through Wooo! Music, offers another glimpse into his ever-evolving sonic world, a world where jazz-funk grooves meet with a spirit of constant exploration. Available on vinyl.