may '22: recap
Francisco Espregueira
May 2022 breezes through the rhythms of jazz, deep house, instrumental hip hop and music from the world. There’s always that impending feeling of discovery every day that makes us move deeper into genres, movements, artists. The amount of great releases, each week that goes by, leaves us with a feeling that something might be missing.
Featuring projects from artists that we came to know and showcase over the last years, like Pachakuti & Young Vishnu, Sweet Fruity Brunch, Felipe Gordon, Deborah Jordan & K15 or Nu Genea, we also found gold in the music of Romal Kultaan, Javonntte, Cosmonection, Interface Palm or Melchior Sultana. All very ecelectic and very diverse. Enjoy!
To keep up on what's going on here, follow our monthly playlists on Spotify. Each month, each track enriching our shelves of music.