Nico Lahs - Fundamentals [Phonogramme, 2022] — o sótão

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Rua Álvaro Gomes, 89, 4º Esq


Webmagazine and record label on underground house music & contemporary jazz. We're about music released by independent artists and labels.

nico lahs: fundamentals


Daily Magazine on Underground House Music, Broken Beat, Contemporary Jazz & Soulful Vibes

nico lahs: fundamentals

Francisco Espregueira

Nicola Loporchio, also known as Nico Lahs, hails from the city of Bari and is one of the most accomplished Italian house producers, with drops on Metamorphic Recordings, Adeen, Dailysession Records, Ovum and many more in his back catalogue. 2022 was an impressive year for the Italian producer (and his Cosmic Garden moniker), closing with classic deep house gold record entitled Fundamentals.

Via Phonnogramme, Nico Lahs delivers an exclusive EP of 4 percussive and rythmic dancefloor house tracks. The production details are, as usual in the Italian’s work, on point. But the real highlight is the blend of vintage and modern inspirations that Nico Lahs showcases. While the A side delves into more uplifting and afro-influenced textures, the B-side takes control of us with some bada$$ mothaf***** vibes to dance the night away. We enter 2023 with style. Fundamentals is available on vinyl, for the collectors.