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Rua Álvaro Gomes, 89, 4º Esq


Webmagazine and record label on underground house music & contemporary jazz. We're about music released by independent artists and labels.


Daily Magazine on Underground House Music, Broken Beat, Contemporary Jazz & Soulful Vibes

jay sound: h o m e

Francisco Espregueira

H O M E goes deep into the beautiful & sonically diverse palette of the city that raised Jay Sound. Although approaching different genres, the album is connected by his unique production style. And that is a recurrent theme in his discography, presenting a gorgeous blend of jazz, bruk & detroit house.

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november '22: recap

Francisco Espregueira

70 tracks for the soul. November went by supersonic in the waves of the usual eclectic features we made over this month. Contemporary jazz from some of today’s greats, exciting new hip hop records, electronic bangers for the winter and, through the whole selection, true-to-the-soul creations.

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